A Pathetic Request For Those Who Remain
Hi there. Lance Polin, constant author of Recording Editorial History. Those of you still reading and following me are frankly among the most important people in my life. I have a handful, yet, of personal friends, and I wish to tell you, regardless of how well you likely already know this, that the older you get the more these once important people disappear from your life. But this is not want I want to talk about here, in this brief missive, that relates quite significantly to several circumstances presently arising in my personal life.
So, I am not wealthy. I can survive, my wife and I combine to do well enough to keep our house and raise our children, but we are certainly not ‘rich.’ We are a loving family who are often angry with one another, but we all stay together because we have too much in common and depend on each other’s support in the face of lost and lonely desolation.
So, to the point. Recently I stopped paying for the advertising on this site that got my pieces into the hands of thousands and thousands of people. Now I still have a pretty decent international audience (the past few days have made me feel pretty good about myself, so thank you.) But my audience, most of which was clearly empty clicks and avoidance from India and other Asian nations ( I love you, by the way, Myranmar, staying with me), is gone because I cancelled five hundred plus dollars annually over the past few days. You guys, my core audience, have allowed me to express what I believe are important ideas and make a slight profit to boot. I plan to continue discussing the sociological actions that have made up of the world both in the past and as it exists today (or yesterday at least, my timing on current events usually being a day or two behind).
So, for the first time in the history of this site I wish to ask you, please, could you share these pieces with someone you suspect might either be interested or offended by what I have to offer? My life right now is consumed by three outside projects: a novel that has been in the works for a very long time, a history book that is pure passion project and a hopefully future Pulitzer Prize winner, and my primary focus–and I have been given, finally, permission to announce this, a serious, heartbreaking and hopeful biography of the fascinating Hart D. Fisher, the founder and magnate of the great Roku streaming horror channel Ametican Horrors. Now Hart and I are friends, have known one another for more than 25 years, sure (how else could a viciously negative person like me be given permission to tell the story of the densely terrifying life of a person?), but the fact remains that I am forever, perhaps terminally, honest. This book is going to be groundbreaking–and this is not mere arrogance talking. This is the story of a significant Ametican’s life–not myself–and it is both an inspirational tale and a dark warning on the price of ambition and fame. His life story is miraculous and I am honored to tell it, regardless of the fact that much of it will make the subject uncomfortable (I have never been able to kiss anyone’s ass, regardless of the opportunities they have offered. Perhaps this is why I am not rich.)
Here is a quick advertisement: on October 26 through October 27 in beautiful Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, the 3rd Annual American Horrors film festival will be taking place. Now I, I, an opportunist, will be writing a sociological analysis of the festival for an online magazine (more on this later), but none of this is about me. The film festival screens terrifying (and sometimes hilarious) new feature horror films, a long line of usually marvelous short horror films (the best of the bunch), uncensored music videos from truly frightening hard rock and heavy metal bands (certainly whom some of you have heard of), staggering documentaries about the worst things in the world, and a genuinely celebratory atmosphere of international horror fanatics invading a small, mostly conservative midwestern town to obsess, briefly, in the pre-Halloween lusciousness, with a passion that will make certain parts of the community uncomfortable. Actual (although benign) Satanists will be invading the town, loudmouths and provocateurs, challenging the nervous half or faux Christianity the town celebrates in a battle of intellectual consideration. The whole event is awesome and, should you have the chance, there is hardly a better offer of a good time as Halloween approaches.
Here, a few more ads:
So, again, please, loyal readers and followers: I need your help. Please share, copy the link, spread recordingeditorialhistory.com on every social media platform available. I hope that some of you still remain as I have abandoned the hackers and indifferent people mistakenly clicking on my ad. Now it is all about you. I want to get more personal. I plan on telling you many stories. Just allow this pathetic plea to have its impact and then we can move on to things that actually matter.
Thank you, those who remain.