Donald J. Trump is an Arms Dealer (revised 2/6/2019)

Recording Editorial History
8 min readFeb 6, 2019


After President Trump’s State of the Union address last night (2/5/2019) I was reminded of a piece published here on 11/28/2018. It seems even more relevant now, with all these nuclear treaties being cancelled and the nervous man in the white house making statements about “something drastic” needing to happen to unify the nation. It is frightening, the way the whole world is divided. And this is not to claim that there ever was a time when people from all over the world got along–No! Humans are a selfish and acquisitive species, with only a superficial idea of community and of how it impacts me.

But Donald Trump has made it clear that money is far more important than life to him. He raves about the temporary economic twists that his short-term benefits to the long-term destruction of the economy he is imposing. He talks about taxes and the middle class and employment rates for minorities, and number other things he has neither interest in nor understanding.

And yet he remains a salesman, selling himself as whatever people of different philosophies need in their lives–even a villain! Being a salesman, of course, he sees the white whale of “the biggest deal ever.” And what could be a bigger deal than selling nuclear weapons to a nation desperate to win a war?

This is only a slight revision, updated with a handful of vaguely new insights, based upon what has happened since late November:

“Do you remember when the current President of the United States said, with baffled aggravation, that he did not understand why we had all of these nuclear weapons if we weren’t going to use them? Then he promised to build more. After he was elected, and trying to prove to Kim Jung Un that he had a bigger cock than him, he provided us with that empty threat: “fire and fury,” a comment that left no question as to what he meant for the future.

“Recently President Trump said, essentially, that it did not matter that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia ordered the butchering of a journalist working at the Washington Post. The President of the United States of America stated that the ‘strategic alliance’ with Saudi Arabia (read: the amount of money they have to spend) is too important to penalize them for just one or three totalitarian crimes. There is big money in selling weapons to a regime that would demand a person who insulted them to be chopped into little pieces, then scattered into the sewers, or the Indian Ocean. Those people need to fight ‘the terrorists.’ A ruling party with so little regard for human life seem like great customers for weapons of mass destruction. After all, most of the 9/11 criminals came from that very nation.

So here is my thesis: Donald Trump, a man very few would not compare to a gangster from 1970’s movies (and not The Godfather. The Corleones had far too much loyalty and class), has decided to operate the White House by demanding obscene amounts of money to fund numerous vanity projects, walls and golden toilets and the like. He is literally pissing on the economy and diffidently, aloofly, believing that somehow the business acumen (another thing that is pure puffery, an extraordinarily wealthy man gambling with money he will never run out of, failing more often than succeeding) would bail the nation out when the crisis came. He puts everything on credit, like he did with all of his failed businesses, or a bipolar college student desiring pretty things.

Trump has always been a bail-jumping style crook in his corporate life; why couldn’t he get away with doing the same thing with a whole nation under his control? He previously scanned around for shell companies to funnel his stolen assets into, found another broken industry to take all of the blame (along with political opponents, demonized out of spite, or perhaps amusement?), and figured that he would bury the debt some way or another, leaving it for his successor to deal with. And he bribed some of his old, corrupt corporate buddies to keep the economy afloat on lies and band-aids for as long as they could, until they stopped earning substantial profits (I’ll cut yer taxes ta keep it goin’ fer a longer time!, arrghhh! Can’t you see Trump saying something like this, a piratical slur?) And then he boasts about “the greatest economic boom ever!” Is there more money to spend? Yes. We all have more cash on hand if we don’t pay our bills. Donald Trump has never been one to pay his bills, declaring bankruptcy even, to wiggle his way out of debt. He sneers that other nations do not pay their protection money to the US, and that they better or else we will stop helping them through hunger, and lack of water, and diseases, and religious fanaticism. He pulls out of deals that have kept a shaky peace for years, and then stops payment. Nations do not work this way. Eventually the bill comes due.

Donald Trump has never cared about you, about his chief executives, or about America. All he sees is personal profit. Think back to old cartoons, when some greedy animal sees the road to fabulous wealth, and their eyes light up with dollar signs. That is now the President of the United States. He does not care who gets hurt. He does not even understand what it takes to develop a stable economy. This is a man who has bankrupted and abandoned businesses repeatedly throughout his life because it was too hard to make things work. Because he was unable to succeed.

Which brings me to my point: I have no doubt that this treasonous creature, this ghoul who has repeatedly ‘laughed all the way to the bank’ over the variety of terrible things he has done, and over the numerous times he has gotten away with breaking the law–I am certain that he wants The United States of America to become incorporated under the Trump brand, and thereby immediately take control of the largest international munitions factory in the history of the world. Does anyone really doubt–or at least think it impossible–that Donald Trump would not sell nuclear weapons to people who will actually use them? Does he really care if they even use them against us, breaking a contract, probably, where Trump’s lawyers scribbled in the blood of claimed souls some provision about not being allowed to entirely use the weapons as the buyer sees fit? America first, right?

I also believe that Donald Trump would be willing to sell nuclear weapons–or contagions in a bottle, or anything that might kill millions and cannot be contained–to any side (or even all sides) of a civil war. He would sell these weapons to terrorists who declare that they want to use them to utterly destroy Asia, or Europe, or Africa, or the whole world, and the President would only shrug if the price tag is high enough. And that would be his boast, his claim (perhaps alongside something like “No one can engineer the apocalypse like I can!”) He would brag about just how much money he made selling death to the entire world. “There has never been a bigger sale than the sale that Donald J. Trump made of only a very small part of the United States’ nuclear arsenal! And we still have more nukes than everybody else–believe me! Our arsenal is much bigger than it’s ever been!”

And there’s another thing no one truly doubts–that he could express this terrible idea in such grandiose and self-referencing terms. There is no human consideration from this man whatsoever, regarding anything, even the precious family he props up as straw men to pretend that he, or any of them, are human. But he would sell out his son if, again, the price were right.

Donald Trump isn’t even a sociopath, just a sad man with a singular idea on what matters, or how everything else does not. He is an arms dealer, an immoral weapons salesman who considers himself a better person than other tyrants because at least he didn’t pull the switch or press the button (unless it was politically expedient). As with all the innumerable shootings and hate crimes that have flourished under his administration, Donald Trump merely supplies the ammunition. To him that means he is innocent–and smart to boot! Who else can make so much money off the hopelessness, despair, hatred, and misery of other people?

This is the sort of thing that once upon a time would have gotten any nationalistic leader arrested in an international court, charged with ‘crimes against humanity,’ and sent away forever, to rot with the other monsters who have been stopped at their peek of barbarity. These really are ‘crimes against humanity’ in the most legitimate sense, stripping the partisan blather of politics away from everything. Donald Trump is not a politician–this is true. He is not a leader, nor a concerned citizen. I doubt he even believes most of the conspiracy theories he peddles, or anything at all, just uses uncertainty as a shield, and a justification for why he commits the same crimes he condemns others for committing, even going so far as to claim that he’s a better criminal too! (which he probably is, taking advantage of this cynical world.) Donald Trump does not care about politics, about America or Americans, about any citizen or person or plant or animal in the entire world–another thing he does not care about–the earth itself, the one place he must truly call home.

What sort of contempt for life must be behind these drastic emotions? All he can see are profits, and his reputation for toughness, brilliance, strength, and an ability to accomplish what no one else, ever, has come close to accomplishing (he recently claimed that people would say he is “far greater than Ronald Reagan if (his) name weren’t Trump.” I suppose he has a point. If he were not actually Donald Trump, people might say he was a better person than he is, or perhaps they would simply ignore him altogether).

Donald Trump is a self-mythologizing creature who I have no doubt has gotten to the point where he has lied about himself so much that he no longer can even tell when he is lying. He will possibly go down in history (that is, if human history survives his brief time of significant power to even make the comparison) as–and I am sure he would love this designation–the most dangerous person who has ever led a nation, including Nero and Xerxes, Caligula, and the other tyrants we will always remember. I hope that I am wrong, but fear I am not. The man is an arms dealer. Donald Trump is an arms dealer. And that is all he ever aspired to be as the President of the United States of America.


