Trusting No One

Recording Editorial History
5 min readApr 1, 2019


Sometimes I write about conspiracy theories. This is a particular interest of mine, listening to, hearing, reading about–even experiencing the views and sometimes realities that nothing is as it seems. It is an interesting way to look at the world and it can often offer deep explanations of how and why things are the way that they are. These days such beliefs constitute the largest of all secular religions.

But there are consequences to forming our own explanations for everything, no matter how valid or backed up by facts. When everyone comes to their individual solution to humanly unknowable questions on reality, we are finally left with no understanding of what is actually true. And make no mistake: some things actually are true, an unquestioned reality that vague and personal assessment has called into doubt. And this is where we are today (if not, in fact, where we have always been, with curious conjecture and Deep State absurdity questioning the sense and hard work of measurable reality). We are left, like the age before humanity had the tools to answer anything, questioning everything and wondering what to believe.

People have decided to believe all sorts of crazy shit, from flat-earth theories, sinister cabals running everything, thus making our own accomplishments and personal lives meaningless, or all of the swirling religions that populate so much of so many people’s thinking. This leads us back to the original source of doubt: you, what youfear, what you want, and how you explain the things that you cannot understand.

I suppose with this sort of inherent selfishness, this fractured agenda focused singularly upon one thing, there isn’t much reason to trust anyone else. Have you seen the stories (of course you have) where one spouse kills another, or a parent slaughters their entire family along with themselves? This is not simply an act of panic, a fear that a house might be lost, and they could not bear seeing the children homeless, disappointing–ruining everything they ever lived for. And while such considerations might appear, they are quickly buried in a nagging sense of blame, often ‘everything is all my fault,’ but every bit as frequently with suspicious eyes, wondering if the people the future killer has known for so long are actually who they claim to be. Are they out to get them? Is it a secret plot? Illuminati? UFOs? The government targeting them personally, for some reason?

The world is awash in such paranoia. Look around, focus on, say, the middle east, which still reads The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as an expose, seeking to blame the misery imposed by barbaric sultans and vicious strongmen on some amorphous outside force that, if only they can be destroyed, then paradise will return to earth. This idea is, of course, not exclusive to desperate Muslims, but shows up across the globe–Christians, White and Black nationalists, self-loathing Jews themselves who once read something awful into the awkward phrasing of a rabbi when they were twelve years old, leading them to refuse a Bar Mitzvah and renounce the faith of their elders.

And it isn’t simply the Jews who are the target of these theories. The white man himself has certainly earned his place at the top of the list, having oppressed so many people throughout history, and committed such genuine acts of atrocity. But one cannot blame a whole race of people, can they? Some people do.

Let’s discuss The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, a black supremacist religious cult with apocalyptic dreams, formed in 1969. Once known as The Israeli Church of Universal Practical Knowledge, these people resemble the white supremacist Church of Christian Identity in remarkable ways. They have both developed their own alternative version of Christianity, preaching the misunderstanding mainstream Christians have about the bible. In fact, they have a hierarchical system of the blessed, stating that all true Israelites (The Chosen People) are black (or Aryan), and that come the end of the world, or the rapture, or some other varying Armageddon they keep shifting perspectives on, it is only them who will be saved, as they are the only ones whom God loves.

Their hierarchy of The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, on the level of racial supremacy, runs as follows, in this precise order:

Judah, who are African-Americans (an American church, this is, founded in Harlem and spread throughout the east coast. I remember, as a matter of fact, a sect of this church roaming around the city where I lived. These were the kooks in dashikis holding megaphones, screaming about white devils, and handing out pamphlets like Jehovah’s witnesses, only scrawled with rage and hatred.)

Benjamin, West African blacks, Levi are Haitians, Simeon Dominicans, Zebulon covers the southern most nations of Central America, Ephriam represents Puerto Rico, Manasses is Cuba, Gad honors Native Americans (8th place for one of the few races treated even worse than blacks), Reuben, who are specifically Seminole Indians, a curious separation from the remainder of the tribes, displaying yet another form of racism within the cult. Perhaps this distinction is merely regional, most of the Seminole tribe living in Oklahoma, with a handful hovering around Florida.

Finishing out the order of the blessed are Asher, Northern South America, Naphiali, Southern South America, and finally, at the bottom, just ahead of the damned Edomites (white devils seeking to corrupt all the rest of blessed humanity), is Issachar, the Mexicans, punished for having too much Spanish white blood.

Such groups of strict racial religion are growing, and every last one is based upon a conspiracy theory. They doubt the reality before them and are willing to blow up the world not to prove themselves right, but only to prove others wrong.

Doubt, lingering doubt, is often a necessary feeling. In this world where so many people believe so many different things, there are more and more who are willing to betray others, fearing that the betrayed are seeking to betray them. Friendships die over different political beliefs, political parties all newfangled secular religions that each seek their own messiahs. Religious disbelief has always been a problem, from Catholics murdering doubters, to Muslims stoning to death true believers with a slight question about absolutism. And simple trust–in business, at school, all the cheating and lies meant to cover our own asses just create a worse world, where everyone is finally alone, not just in death, but every moment of every day as we shudder in anticipation of how the rest of the world will someday finally get us.



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